Club Constitution as at December 2019
Buckingham Hockey Club Constitution
1. The Name, Location, Objectives and Type of Club
1.1. The name of the Club shall be the Buckingham Hockey Club (BHC).
1.2. The Club shall be situated in the County of Buckinghamshire.
1.3. The Club will adhere to the policies set out in the BHC's Clubs First documents, which can be found on the
Club's website.
1.4. The Club shall be a members club open to all.
2. Committee and Officers
2.1. The affairs of the Club shall be managed by the Committee of BHC except for matters reserved for the Club
in an AGM.
2.2. BHC Committee shall consist of President, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, 250 Club Treasurer,
Junior Coordinator(s), Honorary Fixtures Secretary, Team Captains and/or Managers as appropriate, Sticktime
and Media Representative, Kit Representative, Sponsorship and Fundraising Representative, Welfare
Officer, Umpire Coordinator and Volunteer Coordinator, who shall be elected by the Club in an AGM and a
Head Coach.
2.3. BHC committee shall elect the Chairperson.
2.4. BHC Committee may appoint one or more additional officers of the BHC Committee for such purposes as it
may deem appropriate.
2.5. The elected President, Treasurer and Secretary of the Club shall be the signatories for all payments made by
the Club, of which two of the named must counter sign each and every payment.
2.6. The Treasurer in consultation with BHC Committee shall be responsible for recording all financial income and expenditure of the Club and for presenting audited accounts at each AGM of the Club.
3. Annual General Meeting (AGM)
3.1. An AGM of the Club shall be held no later than the 31st May, but after the final match of the season.
3.2. Notice of the time of the AGM shall be posted to all members at least 21 days before the date of such a
meeting and it shall be advertised.
3.3. An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) may be called at any time by the BHC Committee, providing no less
than ten members sign a written application at the same time. Notice shall be posted to all members at least 21 days before the date of such a meeting.
3.4. The President, Vice Presidents, the Committee and every paid up member of the Club shall be entitled to be present and to vote at any General Meeting of the Club. In the case of Junior Members (